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IT Professionals Helping

Hi Members,I hope you all are fine and doing well.Dear members we are going to start one unique Platform only for IT...

Posted by Pakifreelancer on Thursday, August 13, 2015

Unicode characters support in Eclipse

Programmer Vs Relationships

27th Ramadan Ceremony at Al Fateh Grand Mosque


@Component vs @Service vs @Repository vs @Controller

Difference between Spring @Component, @Service, @Repository, @Controller annotations are used for automatic bean detection using classpath scan in Spring framework. @Component is a generic annotation. Difference of @Service, @Repository, @Controller with @Component is they are special cases of @Component and used for particular purposes. The difference is just classification only.
For all these annotations (stereotypes), technically the core purpose is same. Spring automatically scans and identifies all these classes that are annotated with “ @Component, @Service, @Repository, @Controller”  and registers BeanDefinition with ApplicationContext. We read about @Controller in a previous Spring tutorial on annotation based controllers.