We can use Eclipse for the Spring projects development, but SpringSource provides Spring Tool Suite (STS) that is an IDE based on Eclipse and comes with in-built VMware vFabric tc Server that is built on top of Apache Tomcat container and optimized for Spring based applications or you simple deploy on tomcat.
I would use STS for this tutorial and other future tutorials because it makes a developers life easier by providing following features:
Just Download the STS from STS Official Download Page and install it. I am using STS 3.4.0.RELEASE that is based on Eclipse 4.3.1 release.
I would use STS for this tutorial and other future tutorials because it makes a developers life easier by providing following features:
- Support for creating skeletal Spring applications (MVC, Rest, Batch etc), good for starting project from scratch.
- Provides useful features such as creating Spring Configuration files, parsing config files and classes to provide useful information about them.
- Automatic validation of Spring application
- Refactoring support to easily make project changes, the changes gets reflected in config files too.
- Code assist for not only classes but configuration files too, I like this feature a lot because most of the times we need to know what we can use and it’s details.
- Best support for Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) through integration of AspectJ.
Just Download the STS from STS Official Download Page and install it. I am using STS 3.4.0.RELEASE that is based on Eclipse 4.3.1 release.